Planning For Bike Routes Equals Safer Roads For All

April 25th, 2024


By Dean I Weitzman, Esq.


As gas prices have risen and fallen dramatically over the past several years, more motorists have traded their keys for bikes and helmets, for at least a few trips each month. As more bicycle riders take to the streets, the dangers of biking on roads built for motorized traffic increase. In the greater Philadelphia area, road safety planning agencies have begun to address road safety for bicyclists and pedestrians with road design plans that incorporate greater use of roads by bikers and walkers.

If you or a loved one was injured in a bicycle accident, contact an experienced personal injury attorney at

Facts from the Bicycling Coalition of Greater Philadelphia

The Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia, an organization dedicated to improving road safety for bicycling and increasing visibility of bike riders in and around Philadelphia, reports that bicycle ridership in Philadelphia doubled from 2005 to 2008. With that staggering increase comes a demand for roads and trails designed to accommodate bike traffic as well as motorized traffic. Bicycle parking, especially in the City Center, has also spiked. The Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia estimates that over 11,000 bikers compete for only 2,600 sidewalk bike racks in the city of Philadelphia each day.

Plans for Bikes in Philadelphia and the Delaware Valley Region

To accommodate the increasing need for bike routes and safe bicycle parking, the city of Philadelphia and other governmental units in the region have developed several important initiatives, including creating a requirement for adding bike racks for all new construction above a certain size, and adding dedicated bike lanes in City Center on Pine and Spruce streets. Other advocacy efforts for the Bicycle Coalition include completing the Schuylkill River Trail system.

Regional efforts to improve bike safety have also emerged, including in central Camden County. The Delaware Valley Regional Development Commission, with the cooperation of 10 municipalities in central Camden County, has released a master plan for an improved trail system and multi-purpose use of trails and roads in the area.

What to Do if You Are Involved in a Bike Crash?

Despite best effort to improve bike and road safety, bike accidents still happen. Unfortunately, most bicyclists will experience a near-miss at some point while biking. Others will not be so lucky, and will be involved in an accident causing injury or death.

Here are some steps you need to think about before an accident occurs, so that if the worst happens and you are involved in a bike accident, you are prepared. First, seek emergency medical treatment or see a doctor for your injuries. Do not immediately refuse medical treatment because you may actually be in shock. Do not admit fault and get the license plate number, name, contact and insurance information from the driver, if possible. Call police and make a report of what happened. Take photographs of injuries and damages, and keep clothing and other evidence of the crash.


We offer a free initial consultation to discuss your bike accident injuries or a wrongful death claim involving a loved one killed in a bike crash. If you have questions or concerns about pursuing your claim, our attorneys can review your case, inform you of your options and potential consequences, and answer your questions.

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