Transvaginal Mesh: Beyond The Physical Complications

April 25th, 2024

hernia mesh injury attorney

By Dean I Weitzman, Esq.


Complications from transvaginal mesh surgery cause serious physical injuries to women, including infections, significant pain, urinary problems, prolapse recurrence and incontinence. But the story doesn’t end there.

Take, for example, Debbie. Debbie is a woman from Seattle, Washington, who was forced to cancel her wedding because she could not have sex without immense pain.

“Because of the inability to have sexual intimacy with my fiancé,” she told legal news source Lawyers & Settlements, “I am also suffering from depression and weight gain — this transvaginal mesh has caused my life to become a physical and psychological downward spiral.”

Debbie is not alone. Transvaginal mesh complications have affected thousands of women. In fact, up to 10 percent of all women who have undergone the procedure have experienced mesh erosion, which can cause pain for women and men during intercourse. Other women cannot have sexual intercourse or experience pain because their meshes have contracted. One of the only solutions to fix the problem is to remove the mesh, but in many cases, the mesh has broken into pieces and it can take multiple surgeries and years of recovery to find relief again.

Transvaginal mesh was created to cure two issues in women — pelvic organ prolapse and incontinence — both of which can interfere with sexual activity. Yet, transvaginal mesh surgery complications leave many women worse off than they were prior to their surgeries.

Recovering Compensation For All TVM Injuries

Besides problems with sexual intercourse, the immense pain caused by transvaginal mesh surgery complications can affect women in other ways, including causing:

  • Depression
  • Weight gain
  • Loss of income
  • Inability to care for children
  • Loss of enjoyment in life

If you have experienced physical problems caused by TVM defects, chances are you have also experienced psychological challenges. Those nonphysical complications should not be overlooked. In an injury lawsuit against a transvaginal mesh manufacturer, you may be able to recover compensation for both your physical and psychological injuries.

Even though the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has warned surgeons about the serious complications caused by transvaginal mesh surgeries, it has not issued a recall of the meshes. It appears that the only way to hold these companies accountable for the injuries they have caused is through the court system. Women across the U.S. are filing lawsuits against transvaginal mesh manufacturers such as Johnson & Johnson’s Ethicon division, Boston Scientific, American Medical Systems and C.R. Bard.

If you have been injured by transvaginal mesh, join the thousands of women fighting for financial relief. Don’t delay in contacting an exceptional transvaginal mesh law firm. Call MyPhillyLawyer at (866) 352-4572 today!

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