Philadelphia Nurse Malpractice Attorney

Hurt Because of Nursing Errors? We Can Help.

While physicians are often the target of medical malpractice lawsuits, registered nurses (RN) or others licensed to practice nursing can also make mistakes. Nurse malpractice can range from errors in administering medication and charting vital signs to mistakes in following orders or notifying a doctor in an emergency. Nurse malpractice can cause serious injury to a patient or, worse, lead to death.

If someone in your family was harmed by a nursing mistake, MyPhillyLawyer is fully prepared to protect your right to justice and fair compensation. Call 215-227-2727 for a free consultation.

Examples of Nursing Areas

Our legal team handles all types of cases involving nursing errors, including:

  • Medication errors
  • Failure to properly monitor vital signs
  • Patient abuse or neglect
  • Improper charting or incorrect medical records
  • Violation of required infection control measures
  • Fetal monitoring mistakes
  • Botched treatments ordered by a doctor
  • Lack of proper training or oversight
  • Failure to follow physician orders
  • Failure to respond to patient requests

Fighting for Just Compensation in Nursing Error Cases

Did a nurse fail to provide patient care, which is standard practice for the position? Did your RN or licensed practical nurse (LPN) intentionally alter records to cover up a mistake? An RN negligence attorney at our firm offers the resources to meticulously investigate the incident. By interviewing witnesses and consulting with experts in nursing and medicine, we will determine all relevant actions or inactions related to a claim of nurse malpractice.

Patient injury or death by a nurse, doctor or other medical professional can leave families devastated for years. We are committed to helping clients find the just compensation they deserve in a medical malpractice claim.

Contact Our Philly RN Negligence Attorneys Today. Call 215-227-2727.

Contact our offices in Philadelphia to discuss your legal options in a confidential, no-cost consultation with an experienced attorney. We have more than 100 years of combined experience that we will put to work fighting for the justice you deserve.

No recovery… no fees or costs… guaranteed.

Our record of success

Over $500 Million Recovered

$80 Million

Transvaginal mesh jury verdict

$20 Million


$6.75 Million


From our Clients