Information About Patients’ Rights

All patients have the right to thorough, clear explanations about their health care from doctors, nurses and other medical professionals. While a diagnosis or suggested treatment can vary and mistakes can occur, it is always a patient’s right to seek second opinions and other alternatives when he or she feels uncomfortable with a physician’s assessment or treatment options.

If you believe a medical professional may have compromised you or your family’s patient rights, contact the medical malpractice attorneys at MyPhillyLawyer. We will listen to and discuss your concerns in a free, confidential consultation. Call 215-227-2727 for a free consultation.

Understanding Informed Consent

Health care providers are required to discuss the treatment they will provide for you and all benefits and risks associated with moving forward or refusing to treat an illness or condition. This is informed consent. It is an important consideration for every patient as there can be hidden issues involving:

  • Notification of family or a personal physician when you are admitted to a hospital
  • Notification of anyone providing care or treatment, including other parties providing support to doctors or the hospital
  • Other available or required care when refusing recommended treatment or when appropriate care by a hospital is no longer an option
  • Existing and valid advance health care directives (living will or health care proxy) to enforce ongoing treatment wishes
  • Review and explanation of confidential medical records, except where restricted by law, and privacy protection unless permission to release exists
  • Access to patient representatives and ethics committees for resolving problems during care
  • Notification of hospital rules impacting patients, treatment or payment, plus access to an internal grievance process or outside appeals
  • Restraint or imposed seclusion by hospital staff due to coercion, retaliation or other illegal purpose

You have the right to safe health services delivered in a considerate and respectful manner free from restraint or imposed seclusion for the purposes of abuse or harassment. You also have the right to expect notification if errors or mistakes happen. When health care providers fail to protect your patient rights, our Philadelphia medical accident lawyers are here to help you hold them accountable.

Contact Our Philly Law Firm to Learn More. Call 215-227-2727.

It is important to stay actively involved at every step of treatment for an illness or condition to safeguard your patient rights. Contact MyPhillyLawyer if you feel a violation of federal laws by a medical professional may have contributed to an injury or death.

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Transvaginal mesh jury verdict

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