Philadelphia Transvaginal Mesh Injury Attorney
“Everything I do hurts.”
You chose to undergo transvaginal mesh surgery because doctors told you it would reduce your pain and help give you back your life. Yet, instead of giving you relief, the transvaginal mesh caused infections, organ perforation, incontinence, constipation and/or even greater pain. Where is the relief you were promised?
With the right resources, you can find relief from the pain. Tomorrow may indeed by a better day. Contact us today for a free consultation with an experienced Philadelphia transvaginal mesh attorney. Call (866) 352-4572 toll free.

At MyPhillyLawyer, our vaginal mesh complication lawyers believe that large companies should be held accountable when they make business decisions that injure individuals who trust in their products. The decision to keep transvaginal mesh (TVM) on the market when doctors warned manufacturers of its defects is simply appalling. Thousands of women across America are suffering as a result.
Transvaginal mesh lawsuits not only hold companies liable; they can also give injured women the compensation they need to seek treatments and pay outstanding medical bills associated with transvaginal mesh injuries.
Transvaginal Mesh Complications
How do you know that you are suffering from a TVM complication? The following are the most common types of complications caused by transvaginal mesh surgery:
- Mesh erosion: Also known as mesh extrusion, mesh erosion is the most common transvaginal mesh complication. The mesh can fall apart and collide with nearby tissue and organs. This can cause infection, pain, recurrent prolapse and urinary problems. If the mesh cuts nearby organs, it can cause organ perforation and lead to internal bleeding and other internal injuries.
- Recurrent prolapse: Some women undergo transvaginal mesh surgery to fix organ prolapse, but the prolapse often recurs, leaving women with the same — or worse — pain.
- Mesh contraction: Transvaginal mesh can contract up to 20 percent after surgery. Thus, if the mesh is placed improperly, a woman can experience serious internal pain.
While the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not recalled the transvaginal mesh products, it has issued a warning that transvaginal mesh complications are not rare. While manufacturers such as Johnson & Johnson, Boston Scientific and American Medical Systems have voluntarily recalled their products, they still claim the products are safe.
Call a Dedicated, Experienced Philly TVM Injury Law Firm. 215-227-2727.
If you have been injured by TVM, you are not alone. Learn how you can become part of the mass tort litigation against transvaginal mesh manufacturers by contacting MyPhillyLawyer. There is no risk involved to speak with our dedicated and experienced legal team. Our transvaginal mesh attorneys offer free initial consultations and take all injury cases on a contingency fee basis. This means that we will not get paid unless you recover compensation for your injuries.