Philadelphia Tort Reform Attorney

Many people may think that tort reform is an obscure concept that does not apply to them. Until they get injured, that is. Tort reform is just a name to describe laws and legal procedures that attempt to limit the amount of compensation that injury victims – from those injured in car accidents to those injured at the hands of their doctors – can obtain in damages.

Learn more about how tort reform can affect you:

Several years ago, the Pennsylvania Legislature passed tort reform measures at the behest of physicians’ lobby groups after claims that Pennsylvania physicians were leaving the state in droves because they could no longer afford the high costs of practicing medicine in the state, particularly the costs of medical malpractice insurance due to the high number of medical malpractice claims.

Since the tort reform measures were passed, personal injury claims in Pennsylvania and Philadelphia have dropped by roughly half. Victims are now required to obtain a certificate of merit from a physician, essentially a statement indicating that the plaintiff’s claim has merit, to file a medical malpractice claim. Victims are also required to file claims in the county where the malpractice occurred, which may not be the same as where the victim lives.

Proposed changes currently being considered by the Pennsylvania Legislature include creating a new appellate court, the Medical Professional Liability Court, to hear medical malpractice appeals and limiting recovery in medical malpractice cases.

Call The Philly Tort Reform Lawyers, Toll Free: 1-(866) 352-4572

If you were injured in a car accident, the attorneys at MyPhillyLawyer may be able to help you recover money for the damages you’ve suffered. Contact us to arrange a free consultation and case evaluation on your personal injury matter. We also provide representation in DUI defense and probate matters.

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