Do I have the right car insurance?

Determining whether you have the auto insurance coverage is complicated. Unfortunately, most people have to have a car accident before they figure out that their insurance coverage is inadequate. Don’t let this happen to you! Take the time to review your insurance coverage before you are injured in a car accident.

The attorneys at MyPhillyLawyer believe that being an informed consumer helps make life easier. One way to get information about the car insurance coverage you need is to read this website. Or you can call us at 215-227-2727 for a free consultation. We represent motorists who were injured in car crashes throughout the Philadelphia area and beyond.

Basics of Auto Insurance Requirements

The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has minimum required coverage rules in place. Unfortunately, the legal requirements for car insurance in the state are woefully inadequate; Pennsylvania requires one of the lowest amounts of coverage in the United States. In addition to knowing the minimums required, drivers should also be aware of the coverage they need to protect themselves in the event of a car accident. The required minimum will not cover your medical bills if you are seriously injured.

Basics of Uninsured Motorist Coverage

Like many states, Pennsylvania requires drivers to carry uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage. This protects you is you are hit by a driver whose insurance is inadequate to cover your medical bills and other costs. It also covers you if your are in an accident with a driver who was uninsured, despite the law.

Basics of Full Tort Coverage

Drivers who purchase auto insurance in Pennsylvania are given the option to chose full tort or limited tort coverage. In lawman’s language, this means that limited tort coverage restricts the motorist’s right to sue an at-fault party after an accident. Many people purchase limited tort insurance because it is cheaper, only to find they are out of luck when trying to obtain compensation from the at-fault party — they have already agreed to not sue in the event of an accident.

It is possible to obtain compensation after an accident even when the injured party only has limited tort insurance. However, the injuries must be catastrophic and the process requires the assistance of an experience car accident attorney.

Speak To Our Philly Insurance Claim Lawyer

Contact Our Philadelphia Law Firm. Free Consultation. 215-227-2727.

If you were hurt in a car crash and are having trouble with your insurance claim, call us. Tell us your story and allow us to analyze your coverage to determine your options. You may also complete our online form to schedule your appointment.

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