Philadelphia Amazon Warehouse Work Injury Lawyer was a limited online venture when it was first introduced to the public in 1994. Today, Amazon offers a variety of products and services.

Amazon is known as the world’s largest online retailer and has approximately 925,000 people working for the company worldwide, including the United States.

Amazon Warehouse Work Injuries

Working in an Amazon warehouse can be challenging considering the high pressure applied to workers to do more and do it faster. Such an environment creates many opportunities for accidents and injuries. Here are just some of the ways that you could be injured while working in an Amazon warehouse:

  • Back injuries
  • Concussions
  • Brain trauma
  • Slip, trip and fall accidents
  • Repetitive motion injuries
  • Falling from a height
  • Colliding with moving equipment
  • Crush injuries
  • Death by being run over by moving equipment
  • Death from a fall
  • Bulging discs
  • Fractured discs
  • Compressed discs
  • Back strains
  • Joint inflammation
  • Back strains
  • Knee injuries
  • Ankle injuries

The rate of serious injuries in 23 of Amazon’s 140 U.S. fulfillment centers is more than double the national average for the warehousing industry. The emphasis on employees on speed in filling orders is ramping up injuries. In 2018, there were 9.6 serious injuries per 100 full-time workers, compared with a warehouse industry average of four that year. Going fast does not equate with being safe. Working fast without regard to proper safety procedures is a recipe for a workers’ compensation accident claim.

What Should You Do After an Injury at an Amazon Warehouse

The first and most important thing to do after a work injury is to obtain medical help immediately, even if your injury does not seem serious. Some injuries take time to manifest. Next, make a note of the time, day and location of your accident and keep detailed records of everything you do after your accident, including noting all medical related expenses.

You may need to use a preferred company doctor if you choose to file a workers’ compensation claim. Amazon usually insists on injured workers providing all documentation on time and in detail. If your injuries are quite serious, you might not get a chance to choose a doctor and instead get taken to the closest facility. Again, our best advice is to document everything that happens from the time of the accident forward, and make certain to include as many pictures as you can.

Make every effort to tell Amazon about your accident and injury and get it officially recorded, because if there is no record of your incident, your claim can be denied.

If you cannot reach your supervisor, have a co-worker inform them and keep a written record that the supervisor was informed, including the date, time and name of the supervisor. While that might sound like you are overdoing it, all this information is something that can be used when filing a workers’ compensation claim and it backs up your claim by having a witness and the appropriate records. Recording the injury is critical because you could lose the ability to claim workers’ compensation if the employer does not have the accident noted in their files.

You usually have about 2 to 3 years from the date of an injury at an Amazon warehouse to file a claim. You might wait, particularly if surgery is needed so you can provide the full cost of treatment. That can cause a problem for you, in that it may result in a shorter amount of time in which you can file a claim.

Workers’ compensation does not cover non-economic damages, such as emotional or psychological issues. However, all medical costs and lost earnings are covered.

Lost earnings typically cover roughly two thirds of your pay, if you were still working full time. This is only an average and every state has different award percentages. Your MyPhillyLawyer workers’ compensation attorney can advise you of what is in effect for Pennsylvania.

Talk to MyPhillyLawyer About How to File a Workers’ Compensation Claim

Filing a worker’s compensation claim? Talk to an experienced workers’ compensation attorney at MyPhillyLawyer. The process of filing a workers’ compensation claim is complex. If you do not file on time and submit the right documents, you run the risk of having your claim denied.

At MyPhillyLawyer we have handled hundreds of workers’ compensation claims and know exactly what to do to help you get the compensation you deserve. MyPhillyLawyer makes sure you get the workers’ compensation you need to deal with your injuries. Call us today at 215-227-2727 to find out about our free consultation, and to learn about your legal rights.

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