Philadelphia Workplace Mental Injury Lawyer

Did You Suffer a Mental Injury From an Accident at Work?

Most people think of workplace accidents resulting in physical injuries. But, workplace mental injuries are just as devastating. People who suffer a mental illness resulting from an accident or stressful event at work may be entitled to increased workers’ compensation benefits. In addition, they may qualify to file a third-party injury claim if someone other than their employer is responsible for the accident

Information About Mental Injuries

Workplace mental injuries and illness fall into three categories:

  • Mental-physical injuries: a mental illness, such as depression, resulting from a physical injury
  • Physical-mental injuries: a physical condition or injury resulting from a mental stimulus at work, such as extreme anxiety
  • Mental-mental injuries: a mental illness resulting from an extreme mental stimulus at work

If you suffer from mental illness, proving a direct relationship between the accident or traumatic event at work and the illness is necessary in order to collect workers’ compensation benefits. In addition, the traumatic event must be outside of what is considered a “normal” work hazard. For example, a police officer who suffers severe anxiety after witnessing his partner being shot may not qualify for benefits.

An experienced workplace accident lawyer can help determine your legal options. In most injury cases, you can talk to a lawyer free before making the decision to hire his or her legal services.

Call the Philly Workplace Mental Injury Attorney at 215-227-2727 (Local) or (866) 352-4572 (Toll-Free)

MyPhillyLawyer represents workers suffering from mental illness. Call the firm today for a free consultation.

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