Freed from prison after 35 years following DNA testing, James Bain to receive award at Philadelphia Martin Luther King Jr. Day celebration

It took 35 long years for justice to prevail, but James Bain's release from a Florida prison in December for a crime he didn't commit will be celebrated this weekend at several events here in Philadelphia. Mr.  Bain, who was freed on Dec. 17, will receive the 2010 Drum Major Award for Criminal Justice from the Philadelphia Martin Luther King Jr. Association for Non-Violence in ceremonies at 12:30 p.m. EDT on Monday, Jan. 18.  The...


Luzerne County Travesty

What a racket. Private companies come in to operate two juvenile detention facilities in Luzerne County and Butler County. Then two Luzerne County Court of Common Pleas judges allegedly accept kickbacks from the juvenile detention facilities to send juveniles for lengthy, profitable stays, regardless of the facts of the legal cases against the kids. It’s like a bad made-for-TV movie script. But the worst part of it is, that’s exactly what federal prosecutors say actually...


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