Spring safety: it’s that time of year again on our roadways
June 28th, 2018

By Dean I Weitzman, Esq.
With the weather gradually getting nicer and warmer in the Delaware Valley, it’s time for us all to remember springtime safety.
We all need to be more conscious of all the motorcyclists, bicyclists, runners and walkers who are again showing up in force on area roadways.
More and more children will be outside playing with balls and toys that can roll into busy streets that are bustling with traffic.

A photo of a family riding bicycles and wearing proper headgear. Image credit: © iStockphoto.com/Squaredpixels
What we all need to remember is to make adjustments for the extra activity as we drive on seemingly quiet streets in our neighborhoods or along busier roads where hazards may be less obvious.
At the same time, if you are out there on the streets on motorcycles, bicycles or even running, you need to remember to be extra vigilant about the vehicles traveling around you so that you aren’t injured or worse.
Across the U.S., 4,462 motorcyclists died in 2009 in traffic accidents, according to the latest complete statistics available from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), compared with 2,483 deaths a decade earlier in 1999.
If you are an experienced motorcyclist or if you are just learning how to ride, then consider taking a free motorcycle riding training class through the Pennsylvania Motorcycle Safety Foundation. The group provides free training classes and instruction for Pennsylvania residents. Go to the PMSF Web site and register for one of the many classes help throughout the spring and summer.
Another benefit of the classes, in addition to improving your riding and safety skills, is that passing the course allows you to immediately qualify for your full motorcycle license endorsement. Classes are available for beginning, intermediate and advanced riders.
Bicycles on the road also mean special caution is needed.
In the U.S., 630 bicyclists were killed and another 51,000 were injured in accidents involving motor vehicles, according to NHTSA statistics. The number of fatalities was down 12% from the 718 deaths reported in 2008, according to the agency.
The number of pedestrians, including walkers and runners, who died across the U.S. in 2009 in accidents with motor vehicles stands at 4,092, according to NHTSA statistics.
Yes, accidents and injuries can happen anywhere and anytime, but if we all use more caution and remain more aware of the traffic situation around us, we can improve safety for everyone.
If you are riding a motorcycle or bicycle on public roadways, be sure to wear approved safety helmets and other protective gear. On motorcycles, that means leather or padded jackets, protective gloves, long pants, boots that cover your ankles and eye protection.
On bicycles, be sure to wear approved helmets and reflective clothing so you can be more visible to motorists. Proper headlights and taillights are also critical for night riding, as well as hand protection and tight-fitting pants clips so that long clothing doesn’t get caught up in the bike’s chain, which could cause an accident.
Spring is a time for enjoying the warmer weather and getting outside again after the long, cold winter, but don’t let a tragedy or injury ruin your experience.
Be careful out there, use proper safety equipment for your activities and stay aware of your surroundings as you ride, walk and run.
And remember, if you are injured in a motorcycle, bicycle or pedestrian accident due to a motor vehicle or road defect, contact MyPhillyLawyer for caring, skilled and compassionate legal representation.
When winning matters most, call MyPhillyLawyer. We’re here to help you and your family.