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Dean Court Radio

Court Radio: Dr. Eric Rosen: Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation

On this episode of Court Radio, Dean Weitzman of MyPhillyLawyer speaks with Dr. Eric Rosen, a board-certified specialist in physical medicine and rehabilitation, about his passion for PM&R, and how physiatry can help those who have suffered from a traumatic event.

Six Critical Steps To Take After A Car Accident

Six Critical Steps and Auto Accident Checklist You’ve just been in a fender bender. Or worse. What should you be thinking about as you are getting out of your car? First, if you are still in a traffic lane and your car is drivable, drive it to a safe location near the accident scene, if…
Court Radio

Court Radio: Diving into Employment Law

On this episode of Court Radio, Dean Weitzman of MyPhillyLawyer speaks with attorney Gerald Wells III about employment law, such as what a wage/hour case is, what entitles one to overtime, and more.
High school soccer game

Legal Rights Of Injured Student Athletes

High School Football Injuries Can Be Life-Ending Recently, a lot of media attention has focused on high school students who have been injured while playing football and other contact sports. Football players are particularly susceptible to suffering mild to severe brain injuries, as a result of the repeated hits they take during practice and games.…
Failure to diagnose, misdiagnosis and delayed diagnosis topped the list of medical malpractice claims family physicians faced.

How To Know When To Pursue A Medical Malpractice Claim

It is the scenario no patient ever wants to endure: having an illness or injury, going to the hospital only to have the condition worsen because of a doctor’s mistake. Unfortunately, thousands of patients across the country unwittingly become part of this vicious cycle. Take the case of Ryan and Leah Jeffers, whose two-year-old daughter…
Mom with Newborn Baby

Cerebral Palsy Update

Cerebral palsy (CP) is the most common childhood disability, according to the website cerebral Around 1,000,000 people in the United States have the condition. It is considered to be a movement disorder caused by abnormalities in the areas of the brain that control muscle movement. Most children with cerebral palsy are born with the…